1. History

Python包管理软件可以细分为打包软件(build tool)和包管理软件(installer)。从python3.4开始,pip就作为包管理软件被加入标准库中,方便用户管理(安装/更新/删除)不同的包。然而,考虑到前向兼容问题,python并没有将现代化的打包模块加入标准库中,这些模块包括setuptools, wheel, twine等,而只有distutils作为标准库的一部分存在。

1.1 打包模块


distutils is the original build and distribution system first added to the Python standard library in 1998. While direct use of distutils is being phased out, it still laid the foundation for the current packaging and distribution infrastructure, and it not only remains part of the standard library, but its name lives on in other ways (such as the name of the mailing list used to coordinate Python packaging standards development).

setuptools is a (largely) drop-in replacement for distutils first published in 2004. Its most notable addition over the unmodified distutils tools was the ability to declare dependencies on other packages. It is currently recommended as a more regularly updated alternative to distutils that offers consistent support for more recent packaging standards across a wide range of Python versions.

wheel (in this context) is a project that adds the bdist_wheel command to distutils/setuptools. This produces a cross platform binary packaging format (called “wheels” or “wheel files” and defined in PEP 427) that allows Python libraries, even those including binary extensions, to be installed on a system without needing to be built locally.


distutils (standard)   <-- (override) --       setuptools

        ^                                          ^
        |                                          |
                          wheel (cross platform format)         twine (register & upload)

1.2 包管理模块


2. Cookbook



$ git remote -v
origin  git@gitlab.xxx.com:foo/bar.git (fetch) 
origin  git@gitlab.xxx.com:foo/bar.git (push) 



git intall [-e] "git+ssh://git@gitlab.xxx.com/foo/bar.git#egg=pkg_name"

注意上面最后的参数要用引号引起来,否则里面出现的符号会被bash解析,例如当指定subdirectory的时候(通常用于 setup.py )不在repo的根目录的时候,写法如下:

git intall [-e] "git+ssh://git@gitlab.xxx.com/foo/bar.git#egg=pkg_name&subdirectory=sub_dir"




venv是python3标准库的一部分,安装了python3之后就有的一个module。它可以用于创建虚拟环境:$ python3 -m venv <path>

virtualenv是对前者的一个封装,它也可以用于创建虚拟环境:$ virtualenv <options> <path>
