

  1. 用RAID备份一些照片(移动硬盘指不定哪天挂了)
  2. 用Pad看电脑里的电影


  1. 用server跑steam游戏然后stream到笔记本
  2. 搭建个git server和小伙伴一起写代码(被霍格无情拒绝)

所以,实际上一个UPnP服务就可以搞定我现在的第一个需求了,而第二个需求,我发现我的照片加起来没超过30GB,打个包直接放在好几个地方就完了- -

这里主要讲我在Archlinux上用 ReadyMedia 搭建时的大概过程和碰到的问题。

其实很简单,按照wiki上的步骤安装,enable/start。然后,配置下 /etc/minidlna.confmedia_dir 就行了。


  1. 挂载在 /run/media/ 下面的目录没法访问

    我的OS(archlinux)会将移动存储设备默认挂载到 /run/media/${USER}/ 下面,这个目录的权限是仅允许当前用户访问(ls -l的输出是drwxrwx---+),由ACL控制,具体可以参见Udisks,这会导致minidlnad不能访问要export的目录。因为 minidlna 默认以 minidlna 权限执行。


    1. minidlna 的uid改为 root :这需要修改service文件和配置文件中的 user 项。
    2. 按照Udisks wiki里面的描述,加入一个udev rule,将UDISKS_FILESYSTEM_SHARED设置为1,这会将移动设备挂载到 /media/ 下面,并且其他用户是有可读权限的。(我采用了这种方法)
  2. 无法访问HOME目录下的文件

    这是由于在 service 文件中指定了 ProtectHome=on,这个配置项的作用如下:

            Takes a boolean argument or "read-only". If true, the directories
            /home and /run/user are made inaccessible and empty for processes
            invoked by this unit. If set to "read-only", the two directories
            are made read-only instead. It is recommended to enable this
            setting for all long-running services (in particular
            network-facing ones), to ensure they cannot get access to private
            user data, unless the services actually require access to the
            user's private data. Note however that processes retaining the
            CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability can undo the effect of this setting.
            This setting is hence particularly useful for daemons which have
            this capability removed, for example with CapabilityBoundingSet=.
            Defaults to off.Home=
            Takes a boolean argument or "read-only". If true, the directories
            /home and /run/user are made inaccessible and empty for processes
            invoked by this unit. If set to "read-only", the two directories
            are made read-only instead. It is recommended to enable this
            setting for all long-running services (in particular
            network-facing ones), to ensure they cannot get access to private
            user data, unless the services actually require access to the
            user's private data. Note however that processes retaining the
            CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability can undo the effect of this setting.
            This setting is hence particularly useful for daemons which have
            this capability removed, for example with CapabilityBoundingSet=.
            Defaults to off.

因此,创建一个 snippet 配置文件,将其改为 read-only,minidlna就可以访问了。
