1. auto


vector<int> v;

for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
{ *it >> cout; }


vector<int> v;

for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it)
{ *it >> cout; }


1.1 auto 的推断过程


int x = int{};
const int& crx = x;

auto something = crx;

something的类型并不是const int&, 而是int. 因为auto通过以下步骤推断一个表达式的类型:

  1. 如果表达式是一个引用,引用被去掉;
  2. 如果在第1步以后,有top-levelconst and/or volatile, 也被去掉。

注意第二步里的top-level, 这往往是从右往作读(top->low),例如:

int i{};
const int *ci1 = &i; // has low-level const, don't ignore
int *const ci2 = &i; // has top-level const

auto something1 = ci1; // const int*
auto something2 = ci2; // int*



template<class T>
void foo(T arg);




1.2 有修饰符的auto的另类推断过程

在上面的模板函数的例子中,如果我们希望实际的输入函数的类型被推导为const int&. 有以下两种写法:

// 在调用的时候显示指出
foo<const int&>(crx);

// 或者在声明模板函数时指出
template<class T>
void foo(const T& arg);

后者同样可以用于auto,通过加入修饰符来指定推断出的类型是const T&:

const auto& something = crx;

于是,something这次被推断为const auto&.


  1. auto&,表达式为const


     const int c = 0;
     auto& ac = c;

    这个例子中的ac的类型是const int&。这和之前说的第二步中的去掉const不同,如果这里把const丢掉的话,ac就可以修改一个const变量了,因此语言设计时这种情况中const被保留了。

  2. auto&&,表达式为lvalue or rvalue


     int i = 123;
     auto&& ri_1 = i;    // lvalue
     auto&& ri_2 = 123;  // (p)rvalue


    • 如果表达式是lvalue, 首先进行正常的推断过程(去掉reference和const/volatile),然后在最终的类型上加上一个引用(&);
    • 如果表达式是rvalue,仅进行正常的推导过程。


    1. auto&& ri_1 = i;

      首先,进行无修饰符的推导,得到的结果是int,然后加上一个引用,算上指定的rvalue reference,我们得到了: auto& &&. 根据reference collapsing rules, & && -> &. 所以,结果是int&.

    2. auto&& ri_2 = 123;

      首先,进行无修饰符推导,得到auto的结果int. 因此,最终的结果是int&&. 如果想知道这里这么推导的原因,可以查询universal referene或者forwarding reference.

1.3 设计理念

auto之所以丢掉&,是因为即使有一个引用来推断变量的类型,不代表我们实际要的类型是引用(大概率并不是),因此不要&; top-level const也是同理。

2. decltype


template<typename T, typename S>
void foo(T lhs, S rhs)
    using product_type = ???(lhs * rhs);




tempalte<typename T, typename S>
auto multiply(T lhs, S rhs) -> decltype(lhs * rhs)
{ return lhs * rhs; }


template<typename T,typename S>
decltype(lhs*rhs) multiply(T lhs, S rhs)
{ return lhs * rhs; }



decltypeauto 一样,差别仅在于前者适用的范围更广。


2.1 decltype 推断过程:情景1 (simple expression)



struct S
    S(): m_x{42} {}
    int m_x;

int x;
const in cx = 42;
const int& crx = x;
const S* p = new S();

typedef decltype(x) x_type; // x_type = int
auto a = x;                 // a is int

typedef decltype(cx) cx_type;   // cx_type = const int
auto b = cx;                    // b is int

typedef decltype(crx) crx_type; // crx_type = const int&
auto c = crx_type;              // c is int

typedef decltype(p->m_x) m_x_type; /* m_x_type = int
                                    * 虽然,p是low-level const指针,但是decltype推导的是
                                    * 成员变量声明的类型,因此就是int */
auto d = p->m_x;    // d is int

2.2 decltype 推断过程: 情景2(complex expression)

情景2适用于情景1中提到的三种情况外的的所有情况。不过,要知道它的类型推断过程,需要首先了解lvalue, xvalue, prvalue:

接下来是decltype对于complex expression的推导过程:

如果 expr 的类型是 T. 当 expr 是 lvalue, decltype(expr) = “T&”; 当 expr 是 xvalue, decltype(expr) = “T&&”; 当 expr 是 prvalue, decltype(expr) = “T”.


/* Parenthesed Expressions */

struct S
    S():m_x{42} {}
    int m_x;

int x;
const int cx = 42;
const int& crx = x;
const S* p = new S();

using x_with_parens_type = decltype((x)); // int&

using cx_with_parens_type = decltype((cx)); // const int&

using crx_with_parens_type = delctype((crx)); /* const int& + &
                                               * according to C++11 reference collapsing rules,
                                               * this makes no difference. Hence, const int& */

using m_x_with_parens_type = decltype((p->m_x)); //  ??? 这个怎么是 const int&

/* Function Expressions */

const S foo();
using foo_type = decltype(foo()); /* since foo() is a prvalue, decltype doesn't add
                                   * a reference. Hence, foo_type is "const S" */

const int& foobar();
using foobar_type = decltype(foobar()); /* since foobar() is a lvalue, decltype adds a reference.
                                         * according to C++11 reference collapsing rules,
                                         * this makes no difference. Hence, const int& */

std::vector<int> v{42,43};
using iterator_type = decltype(v.begin()); /* since v.begin() is a prvalue, no reference is added.
                                            * Hence std::vector<int>::iterator. */
using ele_type = decltype(v[0]); /* since v[0] is a lvalue(int&), add one reference. 
                                  * according to c++11 reference collapsing rules, makes no difference.
                                  * hence int& */

/* Binary or Ternary Expressions */

int x{0};
int y{0};
const int cx{42};
const int cy{43};
double d1{3.14};
double d2{2.72};

using prod_xy_type = decltype(x*y); /* since x * y is a prvalue, no reference is added. Hence int. */
using prod_cxcy_type = decltype(cx*cy); /* since cx*cy is prvalue(int, not const int!),
                                         * no reference is added. Hence int. */
using cond_type = decltype(d1 < d2? d1:d2); /* since the expression is lvalue(double), decltype
                                             * will add a reference. Hence double&. */
using cond_type_promotion = decltype(x < d1? x:d1); /* since the expression is evaluated to be
                                                     * (double)(x), which means x is promoted to double,
                                                     * in which case a temporary will be created. This
                                                     * temporary is a prvalue. So decltype adds no ref.
                                                     * Hence double. */


[1] thbecker: “auto and decltype”