This post talks about some black corners of Go’s json package, in turns of its marshal/unmarshal process.

Kinds of Marshal/UnMarshal Cases

Marshal encodes the Go type into json byte representation, and unmarshal do the inverse thing. Let’s talk about different cases regarding marshal/unmarshal, for different kinds of struct fields.

Primary Type

Given foo.I is type of int.

For marshall:

Go type and value json
foo.I = 1(int) {i: 1}
foo.I = 0(int) {i: 0} / NA (if omitempty)

For unmarshall:

json Go type and value
{i: 1} foo.I = 1(int)
{i: 0} / NA foo.I = 0(int)

Pointer Type

Given foo.I is type of *int.

For marshall:

Go type and value json
foo.I = intPtr(1) {i: 1}
foo.I = intPtr(0) {i: 0}
foo.I = nil {i: null} / NA (if omitempty)

For unmarshall:

json Go type and value
{i: 1} foo.I = intPtr(1)
{i: 0} foo.I = intPtr(0)
{i: null} / NA foo.I = nil

Slice Type

Given foo.L is type of []int.

For marshal:

Go type and value json
foo.L = nil {l: null} / NA (if omitempty)
foo.L = []int{} {l: []} / NA (if omitempty)
foo.L = []int{1} {l: [1]}

For unmarshal:

json Go type and value
{l: null} / NA foo.L = nil
{l: []} foo.L = []int{}
{l: [1]} foo.L = []int{1}


During marshalling, people wants to be able to convert some value to following different states in the json representation:

While, during unmarshalling, people only cares about the decoded Go value, depending on whether it is a pointer, it can be catagorized into:

Apparently, even if pointer is used, we still can’t get a 1:1 mapping above. Therefore, we need to create a new state in the Go type.


In Azure Go SDK Track 2, this is solved by introducing a sentinel value: NullValue, which holds a fixed pointer for each type, to represent that type’s null value. Then we can get following mappings:

  JSON                      Go

normal value    --      normal value
zero value      --      zero value
null            --      NullValue
absent          --      nil (omitempty)

The precondition is that each type is modeled as pointer (including primary type, slice, map, etc.), and omitempty is enabled.

Apparently, this doesn’t come free. We will need to implement the custom marshaller and unmarshaller to handle the NullValue. Also, note that if the structure contains/is contained as anonymous field, then the custom marshaller/unmarshaller is infectious, which means we will need to implement all the types along the dependency chain.